5/2/2023, 11:52:00 PM

Richard Yong doubles through Yap

Level 9: 8,000 / 16,000

From hijack, Richard Yong goes all in, cutoff Ghai Pang Yap calls. The board runs A T Q J A , Yong lands trips for a double up.

Chip Counts

530,000(33 BB)
450,000(28 BB)
5/2/2023, 11:52:00 PM

Event Info

White Horse Cup Short Deck Super High Roller - Day 1

Buy in: PHP 1,380,000 (~US$ 25,300) Guarantee: PHP 55,000,000 (~US$ 987,350) Entries: 41 Prize pool; PHP 55,000,000 (~US$ 987,350)

5/2/2023, 11:50:00 PM

Paul Phua sends Yang packing

Level 9: 8,000 / 16,000

First to act calls, Paul Phua calls, Wei Kwan Yang raises to 32,000, first to act and Paul Phua both call. At the flop K T 6 , action is checked to Yang who shoves. Only Phua calls

Yang K Q Phua K T

With the turn 7 and river 8 , Phua ships it and Yang is eliminated.

Chip Counts

1,000,000(63 BB)
5/2/2023, 11:40:00 PM

Registration closes at 41 entries; Ming Hong Teoh leads

Level 9: 8,000 / 16,000
52858670851 d380831382 k
Ming Hong Teoh

After 8 rounds of late registration, the White Horse Cup closes with 41 entries on register. This just meets the guarantee. We will have the official prize pool and payouts once it it has been made available.

Leading the 18 remaining players is Ming Hong Teoh with 1,900,000. There are four more levels to play bagging up at the end of Level 12.

5/2/2023, 11:00:00 PM

Paul Phua in the house then triples

Level 8: 6,000 / 12,000
Super High Rollers 41
Paul Phua

First to act Ling Loon raises all in, next to him Paul Phua joins the jam, then Wei Hsian Yeu follows for a three-way.

Loon A Q Phua T 8 Yeu A Q

The board runs A 6 9 6 7 for a straight to Phua to triple up.

Chip Counts

900,000(75 BB)
150,000(13 BB)
100,000(8 BB)
5/2/2023, 10:50:00 PM

Rene Van Krevelen eliminates Ewe Eng Soon

Level 8: 6,000 / 12,000

First to act Rene Van Krevelen shoves with T T , cutoff Ewe Eng Soon risks it all with 7 7 . The board runs 9 K Q K Q for Tens to hold. Soon busts.

Chip Counts

550,000(46 BB)
5/2/2023, 10:47:00 PM

Richard Yong rails Ling Loon

Level 8: 6,000 / 12,000
52858763335 7fe089e828 k
Richard Yong

Early position Richard Yong raises to 40,000, action folds to the button Ling Loon who three-bet jams. Yong calls. Yong opens J Q , Loon has K K . The board runs out Q Q 8 A 9 , Yong lands trips to eliminate Loon.

Chip Counts

5/2/2023, 10:45:00 PM

Last level to enter, 39 entries

Level 8: 6,000 / 12,000

This is the last level to enter. There are currently 39 entries and 18 players remaining.

5/2/2023, 10:40:00 PM

Ivan Ermin eliminated again

Level 7: 5,000 / 10,000
52858095587 c39e8de439 k
Ivan Ermin

Ivan Ermin three-bets all in with J T and initial raiser Rene Van Krevelen calls with J J . The board is 7 K A 7 T . Ermin goes bust for the second time. Van Krevelen chips up to 400,000.

5/2/2023, 10:35:00 PM

Wai Kin Yong wins the three-way

Level 7: 5,000 / 10,000
52857794242 0e2eafa75f k
Wai Kin Yong

Triple Triton champion Wai Kin Yong collects on a three-way. First to act Rene Van Krevelen shoves, cutoff Yong calls to put Van Krevelen at risk, button Ivan Ermin also joins to put his tournament life on the line.

Van Krevelen T J Yong A K Ermin 8 9

The board comes K J Q K A .

Chip Counts

220,000(22 BB)
35,000(4 BB)
5/2/2023, 10:20:00 PM

Jun Yap cleans out two

Level 7: 5,000 / 10,000
52858813798 8cf4efe43f k
Jun Yap

Three-way all in preflop, Wei Hsiang Yeu J J , Jun Yap Q Q , button Nobuaki Sasaki 8 9 . The board comes Q 9 A 6 6 , the ladies hold. Yap ships it all.

Chip Counts

800,000(80 BB)
5/2/2023, 10:10:00 PM

Nobuaki Sasaki down to his last bullet

Level 7: 5,000 / 10,000
52858763375 18ee33eaf8 k
Nobuaki Sasaki

First to act Nobuaki Sasaki shoves with A J , two spots over Jun Yap calls with A K . With the board running A 9 K 8 8 , Sasaki is cleaned out and has to use his last bullet.

Chip Counts

500,000(50 BB)
5/2/2023, 9:55:00 PM

Ling Loon recovers

Level 6: 4,000 / 8,000
52859113328 30958f8ed8 k
Ling Loon

On a board that completes A 9 Q J 8 , Ling Loon wins the pot with K T flush over Paul Teoh’s Q J two pair. Loon recovers to 220,000, Teoh dips to 400,000.

5/2/2023, 9:45:00 PM

Paul Teoh chunks Ling Loon

Level 6: 4,000 / 8,000

Paul Teoh calls, to his immediate left Ling Loon jams, all fold to Teoh who calls.

Teoh {ac A Loon K J

The board comes Q Q 8 T 6 . Loon plunges to 25,000, Teoh doubles to 500,000.

5/2/2023, 9:40:00 PM

Wai Kiat Lee gets some back from Tang

Level 6: 4,000 / 8,000

Early position raises to 26,000, Wai Kiat Lee and button Danny Tang call. At the flop 8 Q T , early position checks, Lee bets 40,000, Tang calls, early position folds. On the turn Q , Lee sends out 60,000, Tang folds.

Chip Counts

600,000(75 BB)
400,000(50 BB)
5/2/2023, 9:35:00 PM

Danny Tank cleans out Ewe Eng Soon

Level 6: 4,000 / 8,000
52858763280 f80b11435f k
Ewe Eng Soon

First to act Danny Tang calls, Ewe Eng Soon goes all in, Tang calls.

Soon A Q Soon K J

The board comes J 9 9 8 K . Soon is eliminated. Tang rises to 650,000.

5/2/2023, 9:30:00 PM

Danny Tang outkicks Wai Kiat Lee

Level 6: 4,000 / 8,000

52858373321 ea7e943400 k

Danny Tang calls, Wai Kiat Lee raises to 30,000, button calls, Tang calls. At the flop K T 6 , Tang checks to Lee who c-bets 45,000, button folds, Tang calls. Both players check the turn 8 . The river 6 sees Tang lead out 55,000, Lee calls.

Tang K Q Lee K J

Tang wins the pot with the higher kicker and rises to 580,000, Lee dips to 350,000.

5/2/2023, 8:20:00 PM

Dinner break

Level 5: 3,000 / 6,000

One hour dinner break. 24 entries. We will be back.

5/2/2023, 8:15:00 PM

Wai Kiat Lee sends Ewe Eng Soon down to one bullet

Level 5: 3,000 / 6,000

From the small blind, Ewe Eng Soon limps, Wai Kiat Lee raises to 21,000, Ewe calls. At the flop Q J Q , Ewe shoves, Lee calls. Ewe T 9 , Lee K Q , The turn A and river Q for quads to Lee.

Chip Counts

600,000(100 BB)
5/2/2023, 8:05:00 PM

All in fest, Winfred Yu sweeps

Level 5: 3,000 / 6,000
52858763310 898c1cce9a k
Winfred Yu

Three-way all in, Ivan Ermin A K , Winfred Yu J J , Wei Hsiang Yeu K K . The board comes 9 7 J 9 9 . Wei drops to 40,000, Ermin out of bullets, and Yu ships it.

Chip Counts

950,000(158 BB)
5/2/2023, 7:50:00 PM

Wei Hsiang Yeu depletes Ermin

Level 5: 3,000 / 6,000
52858546529 0cc3889c65 k
Wei Hsiang Yeu

All in preflop, Ivan Ermin at risk with K T , Wei Hsiang Yeu A A . The board runs 7 8 T J 8 . Ermin down to his last bullet.

5/2/2023, 7:00:00 PM

Three way sweep for Ming Hong Teoh

Level 4: 2,000 / 4,000

After a wild preflop betting war, Ming Hong Teoh has Q Q , and is up against J 9 and Nobuaki Sasaki’s 8 9 . With the board running 6 K T T 9 , Teoh sweeps and rises to 500,000. Sasaki eliminated.

5/2/2023, 6:50:00 PM

Paul Teoh cracks Tang’s aces

Level 3: 1,500 / 3,000
52858373286 3885b9022b k
Paul Teoh

Button Danny Tang raises to 15,000, Paul Teoh calls. No bets on the flop J 9 Q . On the turn 9 Tang send out 16,000, Teoh calls. On the river 6 , both check. Tang has A A , Teoh wins it with J J full house.

Chip Counts

320,000(107 BB)
150,000(50 BB)
5/2/2023, 6:35:00 PM

Richard Yong down to last bullet

Level 3: 1,500 / 3,000

Richard Yong all in for his last 8 bb and Danny Tang looks him up. Yong J Q , Tang A K , the board runs 9 7 A K 9 . Yong reaches for his last bullet.

Chip Counts

200,000(67 BB)
5/2/2023, 6:30:00 PM

Wai Kiat Lee ships it

Level 3: 1,500 / 3,000
52858813748 2429ea3868 k
Wai Kiat Lee

Two players all in preflop, the board runs out J A A 7 Q , Wai Kiat Lee with A K to ship it and rise to 500,000.

5/2/2023, 6:00:00 PM

Jun Yap down to one bullet

Level 3: 1,500 / 3,000

All in on a turn board 6 7 T A , Jun Yap has 6 9 and is trailing his opponent’s A 7 . The river J is no help to Yap to lose his second bullet.

5/2/2023, 5:50:00 PM

Wei Hsiang Yeu down to last bullet

Level 3: 1,500 / 3,000

All in on a board A T 7 J , Yeu at risk with A T two pairs against a player’s 8 9 straight. The river 7 is no help. Yeu down to his last bullet.

5/2/2023, 5:45:00 PM

Danny Tang loses first bullet

Level 2: 1,000 / 2,000

All in preflop, the board completes 7 9 A 9 J , player shows Q T flush, Danny Tang mucks and loses his first bullet.

5/2/2023, 5:40:00 PM

Wai Kiat Lee wins some off Van Krevelen

Level 2: 1,000 / 2,000

Cutoff Rene Van Krevelen raises to 76,000, Wai Kiat Lee jams, Van Krevelen calls.

Lee A A Van Krevelen K J

The board runs 7 7 J A T for a boat to Lee to double up.

Chip Counts

230,000(115 BB)
5/2/2023, 5:39:00 PM

White Horse Cup - Short Deck Super High Roller USD 1 Million guarantee

343980418 576559357621315 6067827324918040843 n

And they’re off! The biggest event of the series has kicked off with 11 players coughing up the huge PHP 1,380,000 (~US$ 25,300) buy in. Among them are Richard Yong, Danny Tang, Wai Kin Yong, Paul Teoh, Wai Kiat Lee, Rene Van Krevelen, Nobuaki Sasaki, and Poker Dream founder Winfred Yu. More players are expected. We will track the action throughout the day right here.

Chat with us about poker online, we are friendly. Reach us on Telegram, Skype or Whatsapp.
5/2/2023, 1:33:30 PM

Final 6 players

52859394850 f2e4b06663 k

Chips in play: 12,300,000 Average stack: 2,050,000 Opening blinds: 20,000-40,000

Chip Counts

5/2/2023, 3:15:00 AM

Bubble bursts! Ewe Eng Siang eliminated

Level 13: 20,000 / 40,000
Super High Rollers 46
Ewe Eng Siang

First to act Ewe Eng Siang jams with 8 9 , beside him, Danny Tang calls with A K . The board runs 7 Q K 6 7 for a pair to Tang. Siang is eliminated.

Chip Counts

2,300,000(58 BB)
5/2/2023, 3:10:00 AM

Bubble round: Winfred Yu claims a big pot

Level 13: 20,000 / 40,000

Winfred Yu and Paul Phua stare down a board K 6 T with 220,000 in the middle, Yu check-calls Phua’s 200,000 bet. On the tunr 9 both check it. Then with the river 8 , Yu leads out 300,000, Phua callls. Yu opens Q J straight to win it.

Chip Counts

4,500,000(113 BB)
1,400,000(35 BB)
5/2/2023, 2:10:00 AM

William Teoh eliminated, bubble round begins

Level 12: 15,000 / 30,000

Second position William Teoh raises, button Jun Yap three-bet jams, Teoh snap calls.

Jun Yap A K William Teoh A A

The board runs 7 J Q J T for a straight to Yap. Teoh is eliminated. The players now enter the bubble round with 7 remaining.

Chip Counts

1,700,000(57 BB)
5/2/2023, 2:05:00 AM

Danny Tang versus Paul Phua

Level 12: 15,000 / 30,000

Danny Tang is all in with A 7 , button player Paul Phua calls with A 9 . The board runs 6 6 J 7 8 for two pair to Tang.

Chip Counts

1,450,000(48 BB)
1,300,000(43 BB)
5/2/2023, 2:00:00 AM

William Teoh plunges

Level 11: 12,000 / 24,000

On a board 9 Q T T , William Teoh bets 200,000, Winfred Yu check-calls. On the river 7 , both check. Yu shows A A , Teoh mucks.

Chip Counts

3,700,000(154 BB)
700,000(29 BB)
5/2/2023, 1:55:00 AM

Flush for Danny Tang

Level 11: 12,000 / 24,000
52858373306 dabd5a7140 k
Danny Tang

On a turn board A 6 A 7 , Danny Tang bets 35,000, button Ming Hong Teoh raises to 110,000, Tang calls. On the river 6 Teoh bets 320,000, Tang check-calls.

Teoh A J Tang J T

Chip Counts

2,000,000(83 BB)
1,700,000(71 BB)
5/2/2023, 1:40:00 AM

Winfred Yu claims another pot

Level 11: 12,000 / 24,000

First to act Winfred Yu calls, Ewe Eng Siang raises to 110,000, Yu calls. At the flop Q J A , Siang bet 110,000, Yu check-raises all in, Soon opts to fold.

Chip Counts

3,400,000(142 BB)
550,000(23 BB)
5/2/2023, 1:30:00 AM

Winfred Yu wins the betting war

Level 11: 12,000 / 24,000

- 9 remaining

First to act calls, second position raises to 90,000, Winfred Yu three-bets to 400,000, no callers. Yu rises to 3,000,000.

5/2/2023, 12:45:00 AM

Chen Ming Kong rails Wai Kin Yong

Level 10: 10,000 / 20,000

- 10 remaining

All in preflop, Wai Kin Yong 9 9 is dominated by Chen Ming Kong Q Q . The board offers no help running 8 T A 8 J to send Yong packing.

Chip Counts

750,000(38 BB)
5/2/2023, 12:40:00 AM

Winfred Yu rails Lee

Level 10: 10,000 / 20,000

52857794392 4375190c70 k

Winfred Yu limps, cutoff Wai Kiat Lee shoves with K Q , Yu calls with A J . The board comes 9 8 T 6 6 . No hits Lee to hit the rail.

Chip Counts

2,300,000(115 BB)
5/2/2023, 12:30:00 AM

William Teoh on the rise

Level 10: 10,000 / 20,000
52859113098 82e15c63c9 k
William Teoh

Latecomer William Teoh is making up for lost time. On a board showing 7 K J K , Wai Kiat Lee checks, button Teoh bets 124,000, Lee calls. On the river 9 both opt to check. Lee opens A A , Teoh has better K 8 trips.

Chip Counts

2,200,000(110 BB)
250,000(13 BB)
5/2/2023, 12:20:00 AM

Ming Hong Teoh rails Van Krevelen

Level 10: 10,000 / 20,000

Chip leader Ming Hong Teoh picks up another pot to further boost his already big stack. Early position player calls, Rene Van Krevelen shoves, cutoff Teoh three-bet shoves, early position folds.

Van Krevelen Q Q Teoh A K

The board runs 8 J 9 T Q for broadway to dust set of queens.

Chip Counts

2,600,000(130 BB)