Day 2

2/24/2024, 4:10:00 PM

Christopher Mateo quickly recovers

Level 20: 6,000 / 12,000 ante: 12,000
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Christopher Mateo

After a crushing blow a few minutes earlier, Christopher Mateo managed to recover after calling off his remaining 105,000 against small blind Arberg Mads Andahl’s jam onto his big blind.

Arberg Q 8 Mateo Q J

Dominated, Arberg forked over the win to Mateo after neither player paired up on board T K 7 6 4 .

Chip Counts

300,000(25 BB)
222,000(19 BB)
2/24/2024, 3:52:00 PM

Christopher Mateo suffers terrible bad beat

Level 19: 5,000 / 10,000 ante: 10,000

Cutoff opened to 21,000, called by small blind Christopher Mateo. Big blind Morikawa Yuta put in a raise to 95,000 to which only Mateo completed. On flop 7 T 3 , both stacks went rushing in with Morikawa revealing J J , behind Mateo’s set 7 7 . Drawing slim, Morikawa fortunately spiked a runner 8 runner 9 to land a straight and steal the pot away.

Chip Counts

1,013,000(101 BB)
57,000(6 BB)
2/24/2024, 1:21:00 PM

Christopher Mateo gives it up

Level 16: 2,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
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Sung Hakyoung

Utg+1 Sung Hakyoung opened to 11,000 and was met with a three bet to 45,000 from Christopher Mateo. Sung answered with an all-in, alarming Mateo to make the fold.

Chip Counts

360,000(72 BB)
270,000(54 BB)

Flight A

2/21/2024, 11:32:00 PM

Christopher Mateo banks huge

Level 15: 2,000 / 4,000 ante: 4,000
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Christopher Mateo

With a few more eliminations to go, big blind Christopher Mateo put maximum pressure on his opponents and squeezed all-in for 124,000 against an early open and a call. Edwin Dela Cruz with A K put in the chips, leaving Mateo’s 3 2 at risk. Still a race, Mateo luckily found a pair on board 2 6 8 T 8 to survive.

Chip Counts

262,000(66 BB)
120,000(30 BB)
2/21/2024, 12:05:00 AM

Edwin Dela Cruz falls victim to Christopher Mateo once again

Level 16: 2,000 / 5,000 ante: 5,000
Edwin Dela Cruz

Following a monstrous loss just minutes ago, Edwin Dela Cruz got his last 120,000 in with Q Q and faced opponent Christopher Mateo once more. Unfortunately for Dela Cruz, Mateo had it this time, with his K K remaining to be a huge favorite. The board 3 A A 4 K sealed the win for Mateo, busting Dela Cruz two spots short of the money.

Chip Counts

440,000(88 BB)